Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Re-united !! - hopefully

Hey , all . I'm gonna write real quick.. I've got much to write but so little time. What a fulfilling day it has been.. The day kicked off with football training in the morning with Coach LaMar Tini ( get it.. 'kicked off with FOOTBALL TRAINING' - fine, lame yea right !! ). Anyway, today we learnt lotz of skills.. When it came to the game, I was grouped with Shaun and Dev !!.. While David had Jeffery, Andrew AND Graham.. I really had the jitters just looking that the team that stood on the opposite side of the pitch. As Dev said, God did a miracle !! It ended 4-1 !
WE HAD ACTUALLY WON .. even coach was surprise and neither David nor I scored one goal. Something else had happened during the training that probably completed smiles on my fellow students' face..

So I guess everyone kinda had an absolutely fantastic day especially the 5 of us ( Dex, David , Dev, Shaun and I ) .. This feeling was short-lived when Dev was still adament in not going for the up-coming GRC camp.. Dex came just for a few minutes and already was going - unless he had a medical appointment. I so hope both can make it.. It'll be so nice if can actually happen.. Dev plaese go !!.. I can ask any more direct.. After school, Dev was completely bombarded with persuasions and even verses in the Bible to tell him that He is special in God's eyes and we have done so much for him.. Now, we are just asking him to join us for camp..
Everyone ..take care and just remember one thing trough today's post - God does anyhting he wants with you for You are His !! He wants the best out of you and you have got to be ready at anytime..
My friends, please pray for Dev !! .. oh yeah , also pray for Dex that they both will be able to make it for the camp.. I got the feeling God will be doing wonders there !
God blees, everyone !!

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