Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Sound of Music..

A great conclusion for a really hectic month for Klang Jaya Gospel Hall - 'The Sound of Music' in collaboration with a baptism service of Auntie Vivien and Beatrice ( beat-rice.. ahaha !! ). So many great presentation and with a great "new look" for our beloved church !! What a fantastic night.. that's all I can say.. Thank You, Lord for a great and extremely fun night.. Really enjoyed every second of it..

Ku Pa / Uncle Tian Eng giving a short introduction to the baptism service..

Auntie Vivien's baptism..

Beatrice's baptism..

The more than great looking posters that made
our church their home on Thursday..

Our Mission Statement Poster..

Our first ever Theme..
Year : 2000- 2002

The creche / children's room which I designed..
but done by : "the sleepover gang"
( Colin, Calvin, Kel Sern, Jordan and Joel See.. )

We painted the room..
put some furniture in..
did a bit of designs..

This painting was done a few weeks back..
Drawn and done by : Trinity, Eu gene, Colin and Me !!
Whole Design by : Uncle Keith..

Us.. The first few people playing in creche too !!

We just HAD TO get a picture with the big poster.. =P !!

All glory to Him !!

God bless..


Saturday, October 27, 2007

2 months and counting..

Just another..

2 more months before I leave Klang..
to be exited or not ??
God bless

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I'm NOT Cool !!'s okay

Scott Krippayne - I'm Not Cool

Some people tell me that I look kind of funny
My nose is red and the braces didn't work at all
They say the clothes I wear are all out of fashion
I don't fit in and should be shopping at a different mall
I studied classical piano when I could've been playing guitar
I used to drive an El Camino and I'm not even sure it's a car

I'm not cool but that's okay
My God loves me anyway
I'm not cool but that's alright
I'm still precious in His sight
I'm not cool but I don't care
How I'm supposed to do my hair
I'm not cool but that's okay
My God loves me anyway

It doesn't matter if I know all the lingo
He dosen't mind if I'm not hanging with a certain crowd
Some people still believe in building image
But I am fine and that's a worry I can do without
I used to wish I was athletic but football was never my game
I met some friends in mathematics but no one can spell my last name

He says that I am one of a kind
And I don't have to try to be somebody else
He believes in me and says I'm free to be myself
I can be myself .

Colin introduced this song to me in the last few days and the first time I heard it - I just though it was really applicable to me especially with all the latest things and all. Like him, I now am finding it hard to get it out of my head !! This was a song I was waiting for - one that told me that pleasing mere man in your trends and the "latest stuff" was not "all that". We don't need to be cool as long as our God loves us we're fine !! I've learnt to leave many things behind and strife for eternal goods.. like God's love !! God bless.

Lots of Luv,

Home Alone 3.. (Day 4)

It was a bit hot but the fan was directly on me. So, I wasn't really bothered by the heat. Colin gave his bed up for me =) but at least if he slept on the floor, he couldn't fall off ! Hahaha.. He's going to kill me !! The Gan's took real good care of me , giving a feast of a breakfast - eggs, hot dogs, cereals, waffles, and a whole glass of Milo !! Then, went up-stairs back to their room, and right after our baths we left for 1 Utama. Ku Pa and Ku Ma went to Ikea and dropped Calvin, Colin and myself off at 1 Utama. The first thing we did when we got there is to go buy tickets for the musical "Hairspray". To say the movie was outrageously fantastically superb is an understatement. If I had a hundred hands I would give it a hundred and one thumbs up !! We got the tickets at about 1 o' clock and the movie was at 2:40 . So while waiting, we went to Dave's Deli to have our lunch and went straight into the theater after. Right after shaking all the goosebumps off from the movie, we went right in the bowling alley - where Colin and I won a game each and Calvin was improving every time !! It was just so amazing.. we almost did everything possible in 1 Utama. After that, we had Auntie Anne's pretzels - which Calvin was craving !! We bought some things though and met Ku Pa and Ku Ma for dinner at the Peranakan Place. By this time, I was sooooooooo sick, I WANTED Chinese tea !! Yuck !!.. But overall- I had a wonderful day and Dad, Mum and Rebekah was home !!

People I need to thank for so many various things ( in random order ) :
God - You've helped me through a few days even when I was sick !!
Aunty Sue and Grandma !
The Gans:
Ku Pa,
Ku Ma,
Colin and Calvin !!
The Selvans :
Uncle Reni and Aunty Suan Sim
Godsiblings !
Kel Sern,
Joel See - for helping out that night !!
and all my fellow Bethanians who asking me so many questions like ,
"How did you eat ?"
"Do you need transport ?"
You want to spend the night with us ?"
"How are you doing ?"
and all your care !!
Thanks and God bless you with abundance that I cannot describe !!

Home Alone 2 ( Day 2 & 3 )


After the rest woke up, we went on with our finishing touches to the creche and the store room. We pretty much spent the whole of the morning in church and only left about 3 or 4 P.M. Being really tired and all, we had to get ready for our COPA IBA REUNION 2007. I followed Colin and Calvin - who took over his first few games as official Teen Scene Games Co-ordinator !! Chong Keat great message and prepared a great activity to go with - helped by Angelina !! - about 3 people gave their lives to Jesus !! Then went back to catch the 1st half action of the England-Estonia match. Went back to my grandmother's house in the second half and watched the extremely pathetic performance in the 2nd half. In the end England won 3-0 - thanks to a goal by Shaun Wright-Phillips and Rooney each and an own goal by an Estonian defender. Slept at my Grandmother's place !!


Woke up early - went to church. Mr. William spoke - great and as usual funny though. After our worship, we had to go for guess what ?? SOME MORE PRACTICES - For the up-coming Evangelistic Gospel Rally - "Sound of Music" !!! So from then on it was all action packed for me !! We ended aaaalllll our practices by about 2 P.M. Less than half an hour later, Eugene came to fetch me to go play futsal. Right after I reached home from futsal, I got to finally spend about 4 hours at home. Grandma and Aunty Sue came with dinner that Grandma made.. And as sick as I was , I ATE 3 PLATEFULS OF IT !! Then, went over to the Gan's ( Kupa- Uncle Tian Eng, Ku Ma- Aunty Chooi Guat, and the two great nuts - Colin and Calvin.. Hahaha )Residence - they took me out for supper and I stuffed myself with 1 last Roti Canai even though I was super duper full !! I spent the night there and they offered to take me to 1 Utama the next morning !! - Thanks So much.. had a great time !!

Home Alone 1.. (Day 1)

It's been more than a wild experience being just left alone with the whole house to myself.. to say the least. Very briefly, My parents and Rebekah went for the Cheras Gospel Centre Family Camp held at the popular Shahzan Inn, Frazer's Hill - FOR 4 DAYS !!

So - right after school, Aunty Sue, fetched me from school back to my house - where a list of things to do was strategically placed for me to see.. Hahaha !!.. but Aunty Sue, my aunt, helped me do most of the things while I got ready to go to church about 4:30 P.M - to meet Uncle Reni on the work we were suppose to do in church that night. We went to buy paint, stationary, brushes, rollers, paint trays and some other things. We finished about 6:45 P.M. So, I had to get straight back to my grandmother's house to have dinner.

At 8, we left the house to go back to my house to pack my bag for the sleep-over we were supposed to have at church that night. Then, we went to Aunty May Hoe's place for B.I.G.- our cell group ( Bethany Impact Group ). Right after B.I.G. was over, Colin and I to church - where we waited for the rest ( Calvin, Jordan, Kel Sern, and Joel See ) to come. All showed up, and had a very tiring time trying to clear the store room upstrairs and giving the creche to what I say - one of the best make-overs the church has ever seen- Thanks to all the five guys !! So proud of the creche now !! The rest though were very sleepy - somehow I wasn't so I ended up working on the store room ( especially ) until about 5:30 A.M !! And I slept for almost two hours after telling Jordan ," Can you please find some tape ?.. I want to CLOSE MY EYES FOR 15 MINUTES !! " - Yeah right.. I ended up sleeping for almost 2 hours !!.. Hahaha.. so since I was the only to stay up until 5:30, I am the only one to be soooooooo sick right now -with the dust and paint odour. Will try to get pics of the creche and church as soon as possible !!

Just for the first day,

Monday, October 8, 2007

Victor + Piano + Words = Genius

Let me introduce Victor Borge : My favourite stand-up comedian.
Just.. just.. just.. Nevermind, just enjoy- He's old and Soooooo funny.
He makes you think a little bit so just be aware of the little little things he does and says..

So good isn't it ?? Hahaha !!!

God bless,

Saturday, October 6, 2007

School Looks Great !!

Hey people !! I'm very tired now and therefore just too lazy to write a long post. But School looks great after all the cleaning and arranging we had today. Really hope to get some pictures as soon as possible because it was.. i mean.. it IS very nice !! Hope the staff of GRC would be rather impressed by our very quaint-looking , cozy school !! Thank you for all my helpers ( Dev, Deborah, Sandra and those whom I left out ) who were pulling up a great surprise make-over for the store room ( you know what I mean *wink wink*) Hahaha.. God bless..


That's What Friends Are For

That's What Friends Are For Lyrics

This is one of my favourite songs of all time..

and Dionne Warwick sings it superbly..

Listen to it and simply enjoy..

God bless


Friday, October 5, 2007

He's My Brother..

He Ain't Heavy, He's My brother

The road is long
With many a winding turn
That leads us to who knows where
Who knows when
But I'm strong
Strong enough to carry him
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.

So on we go
His welfare is of my concern
No burden is he to bear
We'll get there
For I know
He would not encumber me

If I'm laden at all
I'm laden with sadness
That everyone's heart
Isn't filled with the gladness
Of love for one another.

It's a long, long road
From which there is no return
While we're on the way to there
Why not share
And the load
Doesn't weigh me down at all
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.

He's my brother
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.