Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Love Won't Leave You
Music and Lyrics by Avalon
I think I caught you just in time
I caught you trying to survive
Broken pieces in your heart, never mend
But every hope you’ve ever had
Can breathe again
Love won’t leave you empty-handed
Broken down and somewhere stranded
Love won’t leave you hanging on for life
Cause love is
Love is always true
God is love
And love won’t leave you
I wanna say you’ll be okay
Always doing things the hard way
Living paralyzed by fear
But you know
You can let it go today
And save tomorrow
Love is gonna free your mind
Love is gonna steal your pride
And even though the hard times come
Love is gonna make things right
I think I caught you just in time
Love is gonna save your life..
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Just For Laughs
Just for a little laughter..
Here is the difference between boys and girls when they are young :
Well, you guys know that although I am a home-schooler, I go to school rather often - So take that as the setting.
At lunch time, I was siting on a chair. When I knew it was one of the (9-year old) girl's chair, I was about to get up but before I could give her the chair she told me, "No.. no.. nevermind. You sit lah". She continued playing with her friends..
Another time during lunch, I was sitting on a chair. This time it was a chair I had taken myself. A young (10-year old) boy come behind me and clears his throat," ahemm.. ahem..". I couldn't believe how rude it was. But I had to remind myself that he was 10.
However way we look at it.. we could've expected the respective re-action from the boy and from the girl.. haha.. I thought that really represents what we sometimes think of the different gender when they're young..
Here is the difference between boys and girls when they are young :
Well, you guys know that although I am a home-schooler, I go to school rather often - So take that as the setting.
At lunch time, I was siting on a chair. When I knew it was one of the (9-year old) girl's chair, I was about to get up but before I could give her the chair she told me, "No.. no.. nevermind. You sit lah". She continued playing with her friends..
Another time during lunch, I was sitting on a chair. This time it was a chair I had taken myself. A young (10-year old) boy come behind me and clears his throat," ahemm.. ahem..". I couldn't believe how rude it was. But I had to remind myself that he was 10.
However way we look at it.. we could've expected the respective re-action from the boy and from the girl.. haha.. I thought that really represents what we sometimes think of the different gender when they're young..
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Back to Basics
Well, my extremely deepest apologies to the extreme few who have been following my blog. It has been quite a while and I am sincerely sorry. =P

If most of you might not had known, I've been home-schooling at home this year, instead of the center I used to go to. However, since April I have been sort of working there as a supervisor/helper.. It has been an absolute blast. I was basically handling the kids from the ages of 6-13. But one thing I realized that even at a very young age, the kids could tell if you're joking with them or when you are actually really giving good advice. (In home-schooling, there are a lot of ways to strategize your work.) And they are CHILDREN !!
As Christians, (sorry to say.. but especially Asians), like Dad always says, we always want to "save face". We are too embarrassed about our problems and sometimes even our testimonies !!! How we live our lives SHOULD have a strong impact others. We got to start believing that. And believe that strong conviction ! The problem is we are so afraid of impacting others negatively that we don't even attempt to uplift, encourage and impact each other positively. Remember we have a mandate, and if we believe in living a REAL LIFE, and having the conviction we're walking everyday with a REAL GOD.. "pastikan kau akan berbuah" !! (-Yesus Pokok dan kita cabangnya)
C'mon guys, isn't it sad to be on the brink of revival (The Promise Land) and never be able to get there ?? Unfortunately, I look at the things I see in churches today, we're heading towards that. Let us not be like those 8 Israelite spies who saw big giants in Jericho.. I want to be a Joshua or a Caleb, who were Real People who could see a Real God conquering the Promised Land !!
I wanna be..

one day..
P.S: Impact your Christians friends too.. They need your example and encouragement too.. =)
With lots of luv,
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Handle With Care

Well, this afternoon while I was performing duties with SPARK, I was teaching the King's Kidz about how we,as God's children, are to make Him happy by taking very good care of what he has made and given us.
Then later at night we went to church for Uncle Bob's appreciation dinner. Then I found myself in a situation. I had to do what I had taught. As the thinnest needle on my watch hit 8:29, I was quietly counting the 60 seconds left till we to switch off our lights for the "Earth Hour". Yes, so Bethany Chapel did participate in Earth Hour and I am somewhat proud of that (the furthest we went). But when I went out (to see all the lights off) people were doing things as usual and you wouldn't have guessed that "Earth Hour" was going on.
Sadly, Malaysians just don't get this "saving the world thing". The "I", "Me", and "Myself" is, unfortunately, very much apart of the culture. (That's why it's not hard to find an unflushed toilet..) Oma is down and she was out for dinner. Her hosts told her that "a Chinese
businessman would never off the lights to inconvenience his business". Typical yet sad.
As a Christian, I always must tell myself that whatever happens. I am a Christian FIRST and foremost. I am a Christian student. I am a Christian Malaysian. I am also a Christian Indian or Chindian. That shows that even our "Chinese" or racial "culture"/"beliefs" should come second when it comes to what God wants us to do.
As a Christian, I always must tell myself that whatever happens. I am a Christian FIRST and foremost. I am a Christian student. I am a Christian Malaysian. I am also a Christian Indian or Chindian. That shows that even our "Chinese" or racial "culture"/"beliefs" should come second when it comes to what God wants us to do.
My take,
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Red and Yellow; Black, and White - All Are Precious In His Sight

I managed to catch "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" yesterday and I must say that it was extremely worth it. One of the better movies I have personally caught in theaters in the recent past. Acting was probably a 7 over 10 but make-up a 9.8 over 10. Brilliant. As I was watching the movie, I was looking out for clues on how the move would end. You could never tell as the movie went on. One thing I really found interesting about it was that the whole movie surrounding significant events in American History : The movie started with World War 1 and entire mid-plot surrounded World War 2 and the movie ended with Hurricane Katrina. Yet amidst all that chaos (for those who saw the movie) how did the movie end ?
Yup, it ended with Benjamin speaking about all the people he had met along the unusual life he had had. One of the closing quotes by Benjamin Button recalled the range of people he had met throughout his life :
"Along the way you bump into people who make a dent on your life. Some people get struck by lightning. Some are born to sit by a river. Some have an ear for music. Some are artists. Some swim the English Channel. Some know buttons. Some know Shakespeare. Some are mothers. And some people can dance."
Sometime in life we don't always get to be the person we want to be or be with a certain group that we always thought we would "fit in" but I have learnt that whenever God has put us at whatever point of our life, we were made to make an impact.

In amazement,
God bless,
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
5 Letters: T-R-U-S-T

(Cover Versions by Point Of Grace and Avalon)
This is no time for fear
This is a time for faith and determination
Don't lose the vision here
Carried away by emotion
Hold on to all that you hide in your heart
There is one thing that has always been true
It holds the world together
God is in control
We believe that His children will not be forsaken
God is in control
We will choose to remember and never be shaken
There is no power above or beside Him, we know
God is in control, oh
God is in control
History marches on
There is a bottom line drawn across the ages
Culture can make its plan
Oh, but the line never changes
No matter how the deception may fly
There is one thing that has always been true
It will be true forever
He has never let you down
Why start to worry now?
He is still the Lord of all we see
And He is still the loving Father
Watching over you and me
Have been singing this song consistently everyday. It seems to be able to relate to anyone anywhere. Whatever's happening, God is in Control. Last Sunday Uncle Archie Sither spoke for worship and he said this,"The fundamental aspect of our salvation and ultimately our relationship (Christianity) with God is trust". So as we run-up to Easter, remember the cross, remember your trust and how much it is invested in God. It's the best investment alright !!!
God bless,
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
So What ?
What has been the biggest changes in 2009 ? Well, of course I'm now home-based-homeschooling right now and we all know who's the new Commander-In-Chief in the U.S.A. But I 'd like to share one of the biggest change that took place for me.
The Teen Scene Committee was officially passed on to a younger generation in our church. Also, Bethany Chapel has changed its Sunday School a.k.a. King's Kidz and Teen Scene from the usual Sunday 11:15 time slot to Saturday at 4 p.m. Therefore, I took a chance, prayed, and proposed an idea for the King's Kidz. It was actually Aunty Sue's(Sham) idea to have like a "mini group" (something like a "Hi-5" or a "Barney and Friends" kind of thing without the big puppet) to lead in some activities before children break into classes. So the idea was accepted and I spoke to Joanne and Colin who both also was left without a ministry after we had left our posts in the Teen Scene Committee. They accepted this new ministry and I was really glad they did. So we came together, prayed several times, even had a practice at our camp and then we came up with the name "SPARK", although we also act as the King's Kidz Resource Team.
And the Lord provided us with the many things we have needed so far. Jason, the unofficial member of SPARK has helped us tremendously with the technical stuff and of course, Eu-Gene, Damien and the rest of Bethany Chapel who has been so supportive to this small ministry. Thanks a heap !!! So What ? I just want to encourage those who are without a ministry in the church, maybe not only mine, but even in another church - God has given us at least one spiritual gift. It's our job to see to it that it is being used for his glory. I have never felt so comfortable in any other ministry that I have ever worked in although I did have a great time working in the Teen Scene Committee. But I must say that it was pretty much God putting me where I am in HIS timing.
To Colin and Joanne, I hope you guys will continue to shine for His Glory. Thank a lot so far and I hope you are as excited as I am or at least one day will be. Gos bless you both !!!
What you are is God's gift to you,
What you become is your gift to God.
God bless,everyone.
The Teen Scene Committee was officially passed on to a younger generation in our church. Also, Bethany Chapel has changed its Sunday School a.k.a. King's Kidz and Teen Scene from the usual Sunday 11:15 time slot to Saturday at 4 p.m. Therefore, I took a chance, prayed, and proposed an idea for the King's Kidz. It was actually Aunty Sue's(Sham) idea to have like a "mini group" (something like a "Hi-5" or a "Barney and Friends" kind of thing without the big puppet) to lead in some activities before children break into classes. So the idea was accepted and I spoke to Joanne and Colin who both also was left without a ministry after we had left our posts in the Teen Scene Committee. They accepted this new ministry and I was really glad they did. So we came together, prayed several times, even had a practice at our camp and then we came up with the name "SPARK", although we also act as the King's Kidz Resource Team.
And the Lord provided us with the many things we have needed so far. Jason, the unofficial member of SPARK has helped us tremendously with the technical stuff and of course, Eu-Gene, Damien and the rest of Bethany Chapel who has been so supportive to this small ministry. Thanks a heap !!! So What ? I just want to encourage those who are without a ministry in the church, maybe not only mine, but even in another church - God has given us at least one spiritual gift. It's our job to see to it that it is being used for his glory. I have never felt so comfortable in any other ministry that I have ever worked in although I did have a great time working in the Teen Scene Committee. But I must say that it was pretty much God putting me where I am in HIS timing.
To Colin and Joanne, I hope you guys will continue to shine for His Glory. Thank a lot so far and I hope you are as excited as I am or at least one day will be. Gos bless you both !!!
What you are is God's gift to you,
What you become is your gift to God.
God bless,everyone.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
We've Only Just Begun
It's been a really good year at Klang Jaya Gospel Hall. In fact, its been a really good ten years at Klang Jaya Gospel Hall. I thank God for every second I have spent in my home church where I have grown since I was 8. Why do I sound like I'm leaving KJGH ??
Well, I'm proud to announce, in my blog, that on the 1st of January Klang Jaya Gospel Hall officially became autonomous from Klang Gospel Hall and we officially changed our name to"Bethany Chapel". As most of you who read our 10th Anniversary Commemorative Booklet, you would have known that when we were in Klang Gospel Hall, we were actually a cell group of about 25 called "Bethany". Hence the constant "fondness" with the name Bethany.
"When he led them out to the vicinity of Bethany, he lifted his hands and blessed them" -Luke 24:50
Here are the pics from that auspicious and joyous day :
Well, I'm proud to announce, in my blog, that on the 1st of January Klang Jaya Gospel Hall officially became autonomous from Klang Gospel Hall and we officially changed our name to"Bethany Chapel". As most of you who read our 10th Anniversary Commemorative Booklet, you would have known that when we were in Klang Gospel Hall, we were actually a cell group of about 25 called "Bethany". Hence the constant "fondness" with the name Bethany.
"When he led them out to the vicinity of Bethany, he lifted his hands and blessed them" -Luke 24:50
Here are the pics from that auspicious and joyous day :


Deacons and Elders of Klang Jaya Gospel Hall
announcing autonomy..

Bethany Council of Bethany Chapel..

Uncle Moon Meng
becomes new elder of Bethany Chapel..

Luv from Bethany Chapel,
still a servant of the Most High,
still a servant of the Most High,
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