Tuesday, February 3, 2009

So What ?

The Teen Scene Committee

What has been the biggest changes in 2009 ? Well, of course I'm now home-based-homeschooling right now and we all know who's the new Commander-In-Chief in the U.S.A. But I 'd like to share one of the biggest change that took place for me.

The Teen Scene Committee was officially passed on to a younger generation in our church. Also, Bethany Chapel has changed its Sunday School a.k.a. King's Kidz and Teen Scene from the usual Sunday 11:15 time slot to Saturday at 4 p.m. Therefore, I took a chance, prayed, and proposed an idea for the King's Kidz. It was actually Aunty Sue's(Sham) idea to have like a "mini group" (something like a "Hi-5" or a "Barney and Friends" kind of thing without the big puppet) to lead in some activities before children break into classes. So the idea was accepted and I spoke to Joanne and Colin who both also was left without a ministry after we had left our posts in the Teen Scene Committee. They accepted this new ministry and I was really glad they did. So we came together, prayed several times, even had a practice at our camp and then we came up with the name "SPARK", although we also act as the King's Kidz Resource Team.

And the Lord provided us with the many things we have needed so far. Jason, the unofficial member of SPARK has helped us tremendously with the technical stuff and of course, Eu-Gene, Damien and the rest of Bethany Chapel who has been so supportive to this small ministry. Thanks a heap !!! So What ? I just want to encourage those who are without a ministry in the church, maybe not only mine, but even in another church - God has given us at least one spiritual gift. It's our job to see to it that it is being used for his glory. I have never felt so comfortable in any other ministry that I have ever worked in although I did have a great time working in the Teen Scene Committee. But I must say that it was pretty much God putting me where I am in HIS timing.

To Colin and Joanne, I hope you guys will continue to shine for His Glory. Thank a lot so far and I hope you are as excited as I am or at least one day will be. Gos bless you both !!!

What you are is God's gift to you,
What you become is your gift to God.

God bless,everyone.

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