Saturday, October 18, 2008

Walking with Jesus

Remember that old Sunday School song that goes..

"Waling with Jesus,
Walking everyday,
Walking all the way,
Walking with Jesus,
Walking with Jesus alone.." ??

Well, what happened was the other day in church, after a meeting, Dad was recommending a job to one of the young adults in our church,"

"Ey, why don't you try to do ----------- ??"
"Uncle Chan (that's what the youth and young adults call my dad for Uncle Chandran), I've tried that before lah. It's a tough business you know.."
"But the last time you tried, you didn't have the Lord"
And without hesitation, this young adult replied," With God, - can do anything. Why not ?"

I was taken aback.. Such faith.. Going back home, I remembered those words ("With God -can do anything. Why not ?") So simple, almost in Malaysian accent.. yet so thought provoking.. Faith like a child.. Faith as big as a mustard seed.. This "Koko" had just been a Christian not very long ago.. Yet he knew that if you put something in God's hands, nothing can go bad with it.

May our faith be strengthened as we look forward to the day He returns !!


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The BIG Difference

"Preaching affects man, prayer affects God;

Preaching affects time, prayer affects eternity"

I am currently reading "Why Revival Tarries" by Leonard Ravenhill, as you would have concurred looking at the side of my blog. An although this book is really really really old (1959 !!!), after reading the first three chapters, I believe this book applies TODAY more than it ever has !!! The quote on the top of this is appropriately placed in the first chapter just to give us a glimpse of the main ingredient of revival, PRAYER. Well, Klang Jaya Gospel Hall started our weekly prayer meeting last Thursday. As many would have guessed, this is a direct result from the fantastic Bible-study series, "When God's People Pray", that our church went through. Exciting isn't it ?? We, Christians, should continue to pray not only that more and more people get saved but also, that those saved would have a fresh faith and fall in a deeper relationship with God on a daily basis !! Then, and only then can every single one of God's child burn for him. I know I'd love it if I knew people were praying that for me and/or my church.. Wouldn't you ??


Thursday, October 2, 2008

My Godparents house..

This is Godpa and Godma's house. It's one of the the nicest house house I've ever been to. I love it. And best of all it belongs to Godpa and Godma (so I'm invited anytime.. Yay !!!). Here are the pics :

When we got there Che che Ee Vee and her friend were making
some pudding for a dinner they were going to.
And of course they left some for us !!!
Anyway, isn't this kitchen sooooooo nice !!!

In the garden, they have this "mini-pond" with their Japanese-coy fishes
which they had from their old house (the fish not the pond.. duh).
They're humongous !!!

This are other pictures from inside the house..

This is the outstanding dining-area !!

This is my God-sister
(she won't kill me for putting this picture up,will she ??)
who was "weally weally" sleepy since it was 3 a.m. Australian time when we left.
To Josh,
I would had posted your pic but it was horizontal
and I was too lazy to go rotate the picture.
But I hope I made your day by posting 'bout you here..
Hahahaha !!!

To Godma,
Yes.. I'll come over as soon I have the courage to drive there..
Soon.. I hope.. Since you all are nearer now !!

To everyone,

Like a Funeral

Can we lose our salvation ? Is Jesus Coming.. Really Soon ? This were the questions to be answered. It was too "devastating" to believe it. It was one of those things that never even occurred in the world of imagination. You know how sometimes in a meal or with friends and sometimes someone suggest something that is totally out of the blue and know its obviously not going to happen, then someone within the group comments,"The day that happens, Jesus is coming". That is excactly how it was.

Our family visited Godpa and Godma's house and we met Koko Jason (Lee) and Che che Susan there. While Dad was sitting on the piano stool, Koko Jason told Dad,"You know what happened to Ray Boltz ah ?" And Dad replied," No. What ?" "He divorced his wife of 33 years and is now living with a man (in other words, gay)!!!"Koko Jason said. I can't remember my dad's expression, but he was almost in a daze, and so was I since I had overheard the conversation and went across the room to find out more.

My dad and I have googled it up and as devastating as it is, it's true. Thus, the couple of questions in the beginning of the post. A man who wrote songs like, "Thank You", "Watch the Lamb", "I Pledge Allegiance To The Lamb", "The Perfect Tree", "The Potter's Field" and many many more songs with Spirit-inspired-lyrics, Ray Boltz has indeed shocked the world probably even more than Pastor. Mike Guglielmucci. "How pathetically sad, depressing and devastating. And that's an understatement" said one of the comments on the message boards containing the article.

I really do not know how to end this post. This news has come as a shock to me to the least. It just gets me thinking if these are really signs of Jesus' coming and that we probably can lose our salvation. Let band up and pray for the Prodigal Son who has yet to come back home after leaving, Ray Boltz.

Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Jesus paid for your freedom “from” sin, but He never wanted it to be used as a freedom “to” sin. We love you Ray and we are praying for you. Please come back home.
