Tuesday, November 27, 2007

That Going "Off" Feeling..

Leaving School has never felt more relaxing.. It's been a tiring year and an extremely emotional "roller-coaster" kind of year.. especially for me.. So many ups.. then so many downs.. Hopefully next year would be a total change !!!!! - However , its always a sad thing when you know you're not going to school for 2 and a half months.. Our sad faces were hidden at Awards Nite.. as the following day was our last we experienced.. Emotions were flying high.. Happiness, Sadness ( even crying.. not the guys..) Huggs, Laughter, and all other kinds !! Here - our pics.. I'll Miss you all.. See You in February !!

End of the Beginning - David Phelps..

"Cabut-ing" after My Award..

My Beloved Team..
and Supervisors..
The people who gave me the ups and downs of the year..
I Love them all !
God bless

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