"You're just jealous because I'm a real freak !!..
and you have to wear a mask"
-the Penguin

As I thought I picked up a Christian book, it was weird finding a quote of the penguin in such a prominent place in the book. I flipped to the front cover and the book was titled, " Live like a Jesus Freak". So it kinda got me thinking: how much of a freak are we for Him or are we wearing a mask just because "we're not ready" to be freaks ? Let's face it being a freak ain't nice. But what, then, makes us different ? It's the essence of the Christian Life : Living Differently. But its our choice how much different we actually wanna be.. I want to be a freak and I want to be real - which would make me a real freak !! That's the way we can "carry our crosses" and the only way we actually suffer for Christ is to be a freak. Hahaha.. Yup, you heard me.. BE A FREAK.. LIVE FOR JESUS.. and LIVE IT TO THE MAX..